

Most undergraduate courses at the Technion are taught in Hebrew. The Technion International School of Engineering offers undergraduate programs taught in English in Civil and Environmental Engineering and will shortly be introducing Mechanical Engineering, Aerospace Engineering and Biology. For further information contact the International School of Engineering, the Managing Director, ISE Phone: +972-4-8293325 Fax: +972-77-8871852 or the Technion Society of Australia The Ruth and Bruce Rappaport Faculty of Medicine at the Technion also accepts English speaking, international, medical students for elective placements. Placements normally occur in December – February. Students need to locate their own accommodation in Haifa.  For further information contact University of Sydney,  your university or the TSA

Technion medical students wishing to undertake a placement in Australia should contact the Dean, Faculty of Medicine Currently up to two student places will be considered and students should nominate subspecialty area of interest. Sydney University will do its best to accommodate individual preferences.



technion graduates

Most graduate course programs at the Technion are taught in Hebrew.

The Irwin and Joan Jacobs Graduate School offers over 60 MSc and PhD programs. Studies can be research based or non-thesis degrees. Interdisciplinary research tracks are available in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Polymer Engineering, Energy, and Systems Engineering. Courses are taught in English when an overseas student requests. For further information contact the Graduate School or the TSA.


The Technion Master of Business Administration Program, taught within the Davidson Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Management, is a top league part-time MBA program taught in English. The Program focuses on high-tech management in a global economy. The Program uses a seven week mini-semester system, meaning each course runs seven weeks. Students complete the bulk of their required courses in the first five mini-semesters, leaving the remaining four mini-semesters for elective course work. While courses have a high-tech orientation, the Program is unique in its broad range of specialised elective course offerings in technology management. For further information contact the MBA Student Coordinator or the TSA.




The Technion Society of Australia offers a number of scholarships for undergraduate students coming from or going to the Technion from universities in New South Wales with a Student Exchange Agreement in place. Graduate students are assessed on a case by case basis. Students must be recommended by their home Faculty and approved by the host university and TSA Academic Committee. Students are expected to have achieved a high scholastic level and be able to effectively represent their home university and country.

Scholarships are currently available for the University of Sydney Medical Exchange Program, University of New South Wales Exchange Program, the University of Technology Sydney Exchange Program and University of Newcastle Exchange Program

The Scholarship will generally cover a return airfare and some incidental costs.

Student Exchange

student ecxhange

The Technion Society of Australia together with the Technion in Israel has established a number of student exchange schemes with Australian universities and is in the process of negotiating agreements with several others. for further information contact either the Technion Center for International Academic Relations, 


Jaime Levine and team

The SciTech International High School Summer Research Program invites Year 11 and 12 students with exceptional abilities and a curiosity for science and technology to work with the Technion’s faculty and conduct research in Technion labs. Find out more

Read about 5 Australian Students who attended Scitech

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