In a sold out boardroom lunch, David Shein, among our community’s most successful entrepreneurs shared rules and principles that he believes make a successful enterprise.
Hard work, clear vision and implementing a good business model are only part of what it takes in creating a successful enterprise. You also need luck – and plenty of it, says, David. Luck in being at the right time at the right place, luck in having few or poorly performing competitors, and luck in being able to surround yourself with incredible people who share your vision and passion.
David talked about the advise he gives his kids and young entrepreneurs today, vs the advise he has received from his late father, Martin Shein when he was a young entrepreneur. He talked about the do’s and don’t of starting your own business and shared his regrets and vision for the future.
David also spoke about Israel’s exceptional entrepreneurial ecosystem and what Australia could learn from it.
Ori Danieli, our Executive Director, tied the event up with connecting Israel’s phenomenal entrepreneurship success story with the Technion. Stating that the Technion is the backbone of Israel’s innovation and it’s claim to fame as the Startup Nation would not have existed without it.
Our thanks to Paul Rubenstein and ABL for kindly hosting the event.
David Shein, Paul Rubenstein, Ori Danieli Simon Singer, David Shein Eitan Bienstock, Jill Nes, Jono Herrman Shai Zarivatch, Alex Zinzopoulos Paul Rubenstein, Warren Bingham Gil Abras, Ayal Steiner Evian Gutman, Moris and Pauline Rapaport Warren Bingham, David Shein Warren Bingham, Bob Magid, Mervyn Basserabie, Alex Abulafia David Shein