Purchase of land in what today is Hadar Hacarmel

In June 1908, the land purchase deal was signed. After deliberations, an area of 46 dunams was chosen. Ephraim Cohn, the representative of Ezra in Palestine, and Rafael Hakim, one of the most important merchants in Haifa, met with the representative of the Turkish government in a cafe in the lower city. They explained to him that some “madman” from Germany wanted to buy land in “Holy Carmel.” Throughout the investigation and purchase phase, Paul Nathan and members of Ezra adopted the tactic of not revealing the intended purpose of the land at this stage, because they feared that the Turks would thwart the transaction. One hundred thousand French francs were paid, and the transaction was carried out without a hitch.

A plan of the slope of Mount Carmel from March 8, 1912, shows the mapping of the land plots. In the left part of the map, you can see the upper edge of the German Colony and the built-up edge of Wadi Nisnas. In the upper part of the map facing east, the territory of Ezra (the Hilfsverein der deutschen Juden) is marked. This area is marked on the map of 1908; it is the area that Schumacher helped purchase from a number of landowners, among them Kassev, Rais and Hana Jabur, for the establishment of the Technikum (the old Technion that later became Madatech). The purchase was made in the months of May-June 1908. Since according to Ottoman law, the purchase of land for foreigners was prohibited, which made receiving the title deed very difficult, the purchase was made through the mediation of Turkish citizens: Schumacher and David Yellin who was the director of the seminary in Jerusalem at the time. Only two years later did they manage to register the area in the name of James Simon, chairman of Ezra.

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